Participate in Future Architecture Festival Workshops
Participate in Future Architecture Festival Workshops
Join Anja Humljan in participatory sensory-oriented workshop, explore biolastic material with Esen Gökçe Özdamar in Bioplarch, or public spaces in Ljubljana’s modernist neighbourhoods with Plan Común in Common Places. Deadline is 22 September. All workshops are free.
You can apply by writting an e-mail with a short CV and which workshop you are applying for to ARCHITECTURE IS HUMAN
24 Sep at 10.00, Ljubljana City Centre
At this 4-hour workshop by Anja Humljan you will use your senses and mindful meditation in motion to experience a whole new world of architecture.Touch is the foundation of our senses. By manipulating, inhaling, listening, and tasting we will uncover the sensual side of architecture, which we all too easily overlook. With a little practice mindful meditation can elevate your concentration, help elucidate your thoughts, and give you a richer experience of space. All of this serves to inform innovative approaches to architecture and design.
Coordinated by Copenhagen Architecture Festival
Tutor: Anja Humljan (The Urban Yoga), guide: Natalija Lapajne, curator MAO
25-27 Sep at 11.00, MAO
The Bioplarch workshop by Esen Gökçe Özdamar will be developed for participants at all levels, from architecture, design and other disciplines, and will provide a hands-on experience to better understand material sensation as well as the nature of bioplastic materials. Participants are expected to understand haptic perception at different levels, from research to production. Learn and develop design processes, work with bio-based materials and transform them into haptic surfaces, investigate issues related to sustainability, and identify “new” materials for a greener, more sustainable future.
Coordinated by: Tirana Design Week / POLIS University Tirana
Tutor: Esen Gökçe Özdamar
25-27 Sep at 11.00, MAO – The workshop is full.
The workshop Common Places will deal with public spaces in Ljubljana’s modernist neighbourhoods. Participants will deal with the question of how to build,encourage and reinforce different uses of public space, and will create their own specific relationship with the surroundings. Attendees will develop proposals aimed at upgrading abandoned and underused public spaces in the city’s neighbourhoods.
Coordinated by: Museum of Architecture and Design (MAO)
Tutors: Felipe De Ferrari, Kim Courrèges (Plan Común)
More on Future Architecture Festival.